Chipstead Village



As of 2022 most Chipstead Village News is added to the public Facebook page located here -

You do not need to be a member of Facebook to read the messages posted on the facebook page, but if you are a Facebook member you can share your own news about the village there!

Older articles are still displayed below

Changes to the CRA Committee at the AGM

The Annual General Meeting of the Chipstead Residents’ Association was held on the 27th of April via Zoom technology. The following committee members stood down at the AGM:

Big Boost for Chipstead Speedwatch

The current integration of Surrey Speedwatch with Sussex is going to significantly boost the impact that our roadside Watch teams can have on drivers speeding along our lanes and roads.

Chipstead Planning Applications to end April 2021

You can examine any of these applications in detail on the planning section of the RBBC website at: