Chipstead Village


Planning permission matters in and around Chipstead Village

This page aims to inform residents on how the Chipstead Residents' Association is involved in village planning matters, and give guidance on how you can interact with RBBC when commenting upon, or searching for, planning applications.


What type of planning applications do the CRA comment upon?

One of the most important functions of the CRA is monitoring the planning applications submitted each month. Some are major undertakings, whilst others are much smaller, but all have the potential to impact on the lives of Chipstead residents.

The CRA has one committee member who reviews applications that have been verified by the local planning authority, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council (RBBC) and appear on its website.

RBBC invites the CRA as a consultee to make observations on planning applications where appropriate, taking into account the council’s planning policies as well as the wider strategic planning and development guidelines. The CRA gives a formal response, where necessary, to RBBC.

There are many applications that are submitted for development in Chipstead.  The CRA does not have the resource to review and comment upon them all and therefore we have to select the most important to review based upon their impact upon the village.  Full details of all applications submitted and accepted by RBBC, along with all the comments that are made can be found on the council’s website.

The CRA reviews all applications for Chipstead and will comment where appropriate according to this policy.  The applications and comments are posted to the village website under this Planning tab and included in a monthly planning newsletter to all subscribers. 

The Committee have decided that its planning effort will be focused upon the following types of applications:

(1) Large scale development proposed for Chipstead particularly infill development.

(2) Sub-divisions of existing plots to develop one or more additional properties.

(3) Development proposed to a listed building or in a RASC (Residential Area of Special character); a Conservation area; the Green Belt or that may impact on the AONB.

(4) Cases where no planning permission has been sought or the planning conditions have been ignored and the case needs referring to Enforcement.

(5) Applications that are referred to us by residents who are concerned about the proposal and seek advice.

We are always happy to discuss residents’ concerns about planning applications please contact


How to make a valid objection when a planning application affects you - material considerations

The planning system has a presumption in favour of development.  The system assumes that applications will be granted unless it can be shown that there is a planning reason why they should not be granted. 

In considering an application the Council has a statutory duty to have regard to the planning policies it has adopted, set out in the Local Development Plan, the National Planning Policy Framework and any “material considerations”. 

The National Planning Policy Framework can be viewed on the website by following this link ( National-planning-policy-framework). 

All the Council’s policies can be viewed on the RBBC web-site by following this link (RBBC Planning Policies).

A material consideration is a matter that should be taken into account in deciding a planning application or an appeal against a planning decision.  Material considerations that can be used in commenting to RBBC on any application include:

a)      Overlooking/loss of privacy 

b)      Density of the proposed development /overdevelopment of the site

c)      Loss of light or overshadowing/ dominance to neighbouring properties

d)      Parking provision and arrangements

e)      Impact upon highway safety

f)      Impact upon traffic levels

g)      Effect on a listed building; Conservation area and /or RASC (Residential Areas of Special Character)

h)      Layout and density of buildings

i)      Design, appearance and materials – is it in keeping with the character of the area

j)      Is it in line with planning policies including National Framework and Local Development Plan

k)      Previous planning decisions on the site including any appeal decisions

l)      Nature conservation, trees and the impact upon wildlife

m)    Is the proposed use suitable for the area?

n)      Potential increase in noise levels

However, issues such as:

a)      Loss of view

b)      Negative effect on the value of other properties

c)      Noise during construction

d)      Civil matters such as boundary disputes or covenants on the land

are not considered to be material planning considerations.

If a neighbour plans a change to their property whether it is a small extension or a major development the Council may contact you and there is usually 21 days to send in any comments or objections.  The letter will advise on the timescale and final date for objections to be received if they are to be taken into account. 

Only adjoining residents are usually contacted but a notice should be displayed locally, usually in some prominent place and in time for comments to be submitted.  If there is a development proposal close to you for which you may not have been notified, you can contact RBBC Planning to get the details.

Hopefully, if you have a neighbour planning a development, the neighbour will have discussed it with you beforehand to find out your views.  It is always worth talking to see if any changes can be made where the development might have an adverse impact upon the neighbours.

If a planning application is refused, the applicant is then able to appeal the decision to the Planning Inspectorate.  Once accepted as an appeal, the application will be considered by either written procedure or public enquiry.  A Planning Inspector is appointed to review the case and make a decision.  The Inspector will review all comments and objections that were submitted to RBBC about the application alongside RBBC’s own statement to the Inspector.  The Applicant is allowed to make a final statement to the Inspector about the application.  Those who sent in objections to the application can make any additional comments they feel are relevant to the Inspector but only if they have new information to bring to the Inspector’s attention, not to repeat the objections they originally submitted. 

If the Inspector finds in favour of the applicant, then planning permission is granted.  If the appeal is dismissed then RBBC’s decision stands and the refusal of planning permission is confirmed.  All the details of appeals can be found on the RBBC website.


How to search for a planning application or appeal and set up a planning alert email

Each week applications are listed on the RBBC web-site.  Anyone can comment on a planning application after viewing the details that have been registered with RBBC.  They can be viewed on the web-site via the planning search facility.  Cases can be found using the planning reference or the address of the property.  This is the same for appeals. 

It is possible to set up your own alerts on the RBBC website and to be notified of applications in your area.  The guidance on the RBBC website explains:

a) What is in the Planning search facility and how it works;

b) How to get an e-mail notification of applications of interest to you;

c) Saving a map of an area of interest and getting an email notification of applications. 

For the particular guidance click on the links below for a PDF copy of the instructions.

Click on the following link to find YouTube videos of how to create a weekly list of planning applications (Planning application search - YouTube tutorials ).